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Chinese Government Scholarship Program for International Students in Shanxi University2023

Shanxi University sponsored by China Scholarship Council (CSC), is one of the oldest institutes of higher learning in China, with over-all specialties and advanced school-running conditions. Jointly established by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and the People's Government of Shanxi Province, Shanxi University has been included in the national construction project of world-class universities and disciplines. CSC program of Shanxi University is for promoting the exchange and cooperation between Shanxi University and universities and institutes worldwide in academic fields and attracting talents there.

I. Supporting Categories: Master Students and PhD Students

II. Enrollment Quota: 20

III. Program Available:
Please refer tohttp:/rxsq/zszy/index.htm

IV. General Conditions:

1. Non-Chinese citizensobey the laws and regulations of China;

2. None holders of other scholarships;

3. Applicants for PhD shall be under 40 years old, achieve Master degree, hold HSK6 for Chinese-taught majors, valid English proficiency certificate for English taught majors;

4. Applicants for Master degree shall be under 35 years old, achieve Bachelor degree, hold HSK5 for Chinese-taught majors, valid English proficiency certificate for English taught majors;

5. Applicants for Bachelor degree shall be under 25 years old, achieve high school certificate, hold HSK4 for Chinese-taught majors, valid English proficiency certificate for English taught majors;

V. Standard of Scholarship:
1.  Tuition and application fee waiver;
2.  Free accommodation;
3.  Living allowance
4.  Comprehensive medical insurance.
For more details about the scholarship, please visit the website at http://www.campuschina.org/

VI. Application Procedures

1. The applicant should do the registration in international student management system of Shanxi University and complete online application at https://sxu.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx. Choose Degree Program--CSC Program, filling the required information and uploading clear scanned documents and submit.

2. The applicant should do the registration in Chinese Government Scholarship

Information System and complete online application at https://www.campuschina.org. Filling the required information and uploading clear scanned documents and submit. Category (B), agency number (10108)

3. Application documents’ authenticity, integrality and qualification will be verified by Admission Office of SIEE (School of International Education & Exchange) of Shanxi University.

4. The applicants’ documents whose are qualified will be handed over to related Departments. Departments will contact with applicants to join in the interview by Email or Wechat, to examine the language proficiency, academic background and research potential comprehensively, then submit the results to SIEE according to the performance in their interview.

5. The excellent applicants will be pre-admitted, whose name list will be reported to China Scholarship Council before 1st of March, 2023.

Notes:  1. Please pay close attention to the information from the application system and respond without hesitation.

2.The pre-admitted name lists are not the final admission results.

VII. Application Documents

1. A copy of valid passport. Applicants who are living in China currently are required to provide “Residence Permit” page.

2. Graduation Certificate and Degree Diploma. If applicants are about to graduate, please provide "Statement of Expected Graduation" or "study certificate", and must submit their graduation certificates after admission.

3. Official academic transcripts.

4. Personal Resume. Please download model 1 and fill it ).

5. Two recommendation letters. Applicants must submit 2 letters signed by professors or associate professors or other person in equivalent position. One of the letters should be issued by SXU supervisor.

6. The Acceptance letter of Shanxi University. Applicants have to apply for this letter by their recommendation letters provided by SXU supervisors.

7. Language proficiency certification.

8. Proof of bank funds (at least CNY 20,000). If not available, please download model 2 and fill it.

9. Certificate of Non-Criminal Record. Usually issued within 6 months prior to the submission date of the application.

10. Health Certificate. Usually issued within 6 months prior to the submission date of the application.

11. Personal Statement. Please download model 3 and fill it

Note: 1 All the following documents shall be complete and clear, true, valid and color scanned.:

2.Non-Chinese or Non-English documents are required for attachment of Chinese or English translation either notarized or issued by the original organization;

3.The above documents are expected to be complete or they won’t be considered.

   4. The model can be downloaded at http:/xzzx/index.htm.

    5. Proof of bank fundsrefers to financial support responding to any unpredictability emergency situation which your stipend and insurance cannot cover. So if its not available students are required to complete the model 2 in order to prove someone who relate them are willing to pay any bill.

VIII. Admissions

1: The pre-admitted documents will be reviewed in March and applicants can log in https://www.campuschina.org and check their final results later than March.

2:  The final results and scholarship standards will be informed by official admission letters. Their admission documents will be posted out soon as the requirement of China Scholarship Council.

3:  Admitted scholars should apply for their X1 visa with valid passports and admission documents in Chinese Embassy in accordance with the registration date and requirements in admission notice.

IX. Application Period: November 18, 2022 ---------January 31, 2023

X. Contact Us:

Contact:   Ms. Liyan, Ms. Dora Yang

Wechat:   17735640330

TEL.:     Tel: +86-351-7210633   +86-351-7018987

Email: degreeprogram@sxu.edu.cn

Website:   http:/

Address: School of International Education and Exchange, Shanxi University No.92, Wucheng Rd., Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, 030006, P.R. China



















1. 申请者须登录山西大学国际学生招生管理系统https://sxu.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx进行网上注册。请选择学历项目中国政府奖学金项目,填写信息,选择专业,提交申请材料,完成申请。

2. 申请者须登录国家留学基金委来华留学网上报名系统https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login 进行网上注册。填写信息,选择专业,提交申请材料,完成申请。【项目种类(B类),受理机构编号(10108)】

3. 材料初审申请材料由华人策略研究手机版招生办公室初审,审核材料是否完整、真实。

4. 培养单位复审。初审通过的申请者材料会转入培养单位复审。培养单位将通过申请者邮件联系申请人参加入学考试,全面考察申请者的语言能力、学术背景、科研潜力等。由培养单位根据考核结果,给出拟录取意见。

5. 材料上报。我校按照初审和复审意见择优录取,于3月1日前向国家留学基金管理委员会上报拟录取名单。




1. 护照首页 护照有效期一年以上。中国境内的国际学生提供居留许可签证页”。

2. 学历证明文件


3. 成绩单

4. 个人简历请按附件1提示填写

5. 两封推荐信两封教授/副教授(或相应职称学者)的推荐信,其中一封必须由山西大学导师提供。

6. 山西大学接收函:申请者须提交山西大学导师推荐信,申请该文件。

7. 语言等级证书

8. 无犯罪记录证明 有效期在申请提交日期6个月内

9. 存款证明银行流水或银行资金证明账户资金至少为CNY 20000;非本人账户资金证明,需提供资助者签字“经济资助证明请按附件2提示填写

10. 健康证明 有效期在申请提交日期6个月内

11. 个人陈述请按附件3提示填写)

5) “资金证明”是用于某种不可预知的紧急情况下,学生的奖学金补助和保险无法覆盖所有费用时而使用的资金保证。如果学生无法提供资金证明,请按要求填写附件2,确保你的家人愿意资助你的任何费用。 5. Proof of bank fundsrefers to


1. 国家留学基金管理委员会将于2022年3月开始审核学生材料,申请者可随后登陆https://www.campuschina.org/index.htmll 中国政府奖学金申请系统查看最终录取状态

2. 最终录取结果与资助标准以录取通知书为准。相关录取材料会按照国家留学基金管理委员会要求尽快寄出

3. 被录取学生按照通知书的开学注册时间及报到要求,尽快持有效护照及录取材料到当地大使馆办理学习签证。






联系电话:+86-351-7210633  +86-351-7018987



通信地址: 中国山西省太原市小店区坞城路92号华人策略研究手机版030006