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华人策略研究手机版 2020年暑假管理规定及安全注意事项





2020年暑假时间:2020年7月6日 Summer Vacation of 2020 starts from July 6th, 2020.


The start time of the autumn semester of 2020 is to be informed. The School of International Education and Exchange will inform all international students once the official start time is available.


Regulations on Epidemic Prevention and Control during the summer vacation of 2020


Students who have  returned to their home country should not return to Shanxi University before the new semester officially starts. You will be notified of the start time of the new semester through phone calls or WeChat group notice by the teachers from the School of International Education and Exchange once the time of returning to university is set. The students who return to the university earlier than the scheduled time will be severely punished.


Students who are in China now ( both the students living in the International Students Dormitory Building and the students living off campus) should stay in Taiyuan during the summer vacation. Those who have to leave Taiyuan due to personal reasons during the summer vacation must submit an  Application for Leaving to your teacher in charge five days in advance, and then the School of International Education and Exchange will submit your application to the Division of Exit/Entry Administrations of Taiyuan Municipal Public Security Bureau and other relevant departments. Only with the approval from those departments can you leave.

3、疫情尚未结束,大家还需要高度重视,提高自我保护意识,采取必要的防护措施:(1)尽量减少外出, 不参加聚会、聚餐等集体活动;(2)避免到封闭、空气不流通的公众场所和人员密集场所;(3)避免近距离接触野生动物;(4)如确需外出,请做好佩戴口罩等防范措施;(5)勤洗手。

The epidemic is not over yet. You should pay attention to the epidemic development, keep self-protection and take necessary measures: (1) Avoid going out , and reduce gatherings or any other group activities; (2) Do not go to  public places with poor ventilation or with a dense crowd; (3) Avoid contact with wild animals; (4) Take precautions such as wearing a mask when going out; (5) Wash hands frequently.


Pay close attention to your physical condition. Once you have symptoms such as fever, cough, fatigue, dyspnea, etc., you must immediately report to your teacher in charge. When necessary, you should receive medical tests and get quarantined for 14 days according to the relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control of Shanxi Province.

三、安全注意事项 Regulations on Safety


All international students must abide by the following regulations of security during the summer vacation.

(一)遵守法律法规 Observing the Chinese laws and regulations


International students are NOT ALLOWED TO  DO PART-TIME JOBS. Your employment will be regarded as illegal and will be severely punished. International students should not accept employment nor engage in business under any circumstance.


According to the  Rules for the implementation of the regulations of the people's Republic of China on the administration of religious activities of foreigners , the freedom of religious belief of foreigners  is respected within the territory of the People's Republic of China.


Foreigners who conduct religious activities within the territory of China shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations, shall not establish religious organizations, set up religious institutions, or sites for religious activities, are not allowed to run religious institutions within the territory of China, and may not recruit followers, appoint religious personnel or engage in other missionary activities.


No religious activities, such as preaching, religious gatherings, etc., shall be carried out on campus,


If  the religious activities of foreigner should violate the regulations of the Division of Exit/Entry Administrations or the regulations on public security, the Public Security Bureau shall punish them in accordance with the law; where a crime is constituted, the criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law by the the Chinese judiciary authorities.

(二)住宿安全 Living Safety

I. 校内住宿 Living in the of International Students Dormitory Building


Take good care of yourselves and protect your personal belongings. During the summer vacation, esp. while traveling, you should be responsible for keeping well your certificates, passport, cash and valuables .


Resident students who live in the International Students Dormitory Building must come back to the campus before 6:00 p. m. and back to the dormitory before 10:00 p.m.


In order to protect the safety of the students and the faculty, and the property and to maintain the social order, visitors are forbidden to come into the international students dormitory building during the summer vacation.


In order to prevent accidental fires and protect the safety of students, faculty, and property, great attention should be paid to electrical safety.

5、在留学生公寓严禁从事以下行为:Any of the following situations in the International Students Dormitory Building are prohibited:


Deliberate damage or unwarranted movement of the fire extinguishing facilities is forbidden.


Conducts such as storage or usage of combustible, explosive or corrosive matters, or forbidden electrical appliances, usage of open fire, forbidden power line connections, embezzlement of public electricity supply, are forbidden.


The following electrical appliances are forbidden from use in the International Students Dormitory Building: electric heating appliances, such as water heater, stove, heating blanket, etc., electric appliances without automatic power-off protection, high-power electrical appliance over one kilowatt (1kw), and electric appliances without China Compulsory Certification (CCC).


Connection from fixed sockets in one room to another room or areas is forbidden.


Conducts ruining the normal living environments, such as smoking in the public areas of the

building, throwing or littering , spitting, etc, are forbidden.


Loud and excessive noisesthat may cause public disorder or disturb other students’ study and lives are forbidden. It is strictly forbidden to hold parties in the dormitory.


Conducts resulting in fire accidents or other serious damage of the facilities are forbidden. In the event of a fire, it is necessary to evacuate the building quickly, take effective measures such as emergency escape, and call the fire apartment in time: 119.


It is strictly forbidden to store and own private possession of knives in the dormitory.


It is strictly forbidden to keep pets in the dormitory.


It is strictly forbidden to climb doors, windows, balconies, railings, etc.


It is forbidden to swim, do fishing or boating in the campus lake.

Ⅱ. 校外住宿 Living off campus



Together with the owner of the house, the students who live off campus must go to the local police station to complete an  Accommodation Registration Form for Foreigners  within 24 hours ( The period is calculated from the time when you move into the off-campus house) with your passport and its photocopies. And then the students should provide: (1) a photocopy of  Accommodation Registration Form for Foreigners  and (2) a photocopy of the Rent  Contract  to the Office of International Students Affairs.

If the residential address is changed, the students should go to the local police station to complete a new  Accommodation Registration Form for Foreigners  within 24 hours. Meanwhile, the documents mentioned above should be provided to the teacher in charge via WeChat.


The international students who live off campus should go to the local police station to complete the Accommodation Registration Form for Foreigners within 24 hours, if your foreign friends   stay with you in your rented house.


Taking in foreigners who illegally enter  or stay in China in your rented house is prohibited.


Check the facilities in your house regularly, especially  gas and electric appliances.


No gambling, over-drinking, fighting, or other activities which will disturb the campus.


民警 (POLICE):110       交通事故 (TRAFFIC):122  

火警 (FIRE):119        医疗急救 (MEDICAL AID):120

来华留学生保险电话(INSURANCE FOR MEDICAL AID):4008105119-1



山西大学留学生办公室电话:0351-7018987 / 7018986


